Waiting on Wednesday 04/30/14

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick:

Poison Fruit by Jacqueline Carey: October 7, 2014 (Roc Hardcover)
I’m a big fan of Jacqueline Carey, having first fallen in love with her Kushiel books. Phedre’s trilogy ranks up there in my top reads of all time. When I found out she was going to be writing a new urban fantasy series, I knew I had to check it out. 
Poison Fruit is the third installment of the Agent of Hel series (wow, we’re up to book three already, how quickly time flies) and look what a pretty cover it has! Actually, we’re just now finally getting some warmer days here, so I’m not sure what to make of that much snow – but hey, it’s good to know when the weather turns cold again there will be awesome books incoming. Poison Fruit will be hitting shelves in October.
“The Pemkowet Visitors Bureau has always promoted paranormal tourism—even if it has downplayed the risks (hobgoblins are unpredictable). It helps that the town is presided over by Daisy Johanssen, who as Hel’s liaison is authorized by the Norse goddess of the dead to keep Pemkowet under control. Normally, that’s easier to do in the winter, when bracing temperatures keep folks indoors.

But a new predator is on the prowl, and this one thrives on nightmares. Daisy is on her trail and working intimately with her partner and sometime lover from the Pemkowet PD, sexy yet unavailable werewolf Cody Fairfax. But even as the creature is racking up innocent victims, a greater danger looms on Pewkowet’s horizon.

As a result of a recent ghost uprising, an unknown adversary—represented by a hell-spawn lawyer with fiery powers of persuasion—has instigated a lawsuit against the town. If Pemkowet loses, Hel’s sovereignty will be jeopardized, and the fate of the eldritch community will be at stake. The only one who can prevent it is Daisy—but she’s going to have to confront her own worst nightmare to do it.”

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