Waiting on Wednesday 09/16/15

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick:

Saint’s Blood by Sebastien de Castell: April 7, 2016 (Jo Fletcher)

I’m so looking forward to this third book in the Greatcoats series! There was some confusion at first because the author had originally used the working title Tyrant’s Throne before deciding that it would actually work better for book four instead. Double joy, as not only do we get a wonderful title (I like the sound of Saint’s Blood) and a gorgeous cover for book three, I originally thought this was going to be a trilogy so I am happy at the news that there will be more books after this.

Saint's Blood“How do you kill a Saint?

Falcio, Kest, and Brasti are about to find out, because someone has figured out a way to do it and they’ve started with a friend.

The Dukes were already looking for ways out of their agreement to put Aline on the throne, but with the Saints turning up dead, rumours are spreading that the Gods themselves oppose her ascension. Now churches are looking to protect themselves by bringing back the military orders of religious soldiers, assassins, and (especially) Inquisitors – a move that could turn the country into a theocracy. The only way Falcio can put a stop to it is by finding the murderer. He has only one clue: a terrifying iron mask which makes the Saints vulnerable by driving them mad. But even if he can find the killer, he’ll still have to face him in battle.

And that may be a duel that no swordsman, no matter how skilled, can hope to win.”

15 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 09/16/15”

  1. Agreed – the 2nd book was so utterly and completely amazing, blowing the 1st out of the water, that I can’t wait to see where he takes it next.


  2. I’ve heard you talk about these books for a while now, and I do love the sound of a story about Saints being killed off, OK that doesn’t sound good! In any case, it sounds like a bunch of fun.


  3. And I . . . have yet . . . to finish the first one . . . *headdesk* But I WILL! B/c what I read of it was great–I have no idea what is wrong with me. Thanks for the motivation and great pick 😉


  4. I thought it was going to be a trilogy too so this is news to me! Actually the Canadian Publisher gave me a scare when they said that there might not even be a third novel…but here we are 😀 I’m a little bummed though because I’ve been struggling with the sequel for months now. Months! After loving the first book so much, I keep waiting for things to click with me and Knight,s Shadow, but it just won’t (so far) I’m hoping it’ll turn around soon though, I REFUSE to give up! Awesome pick^^ I LOVE that cover ♥


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