Tough Traveling: Monsters


The Thursday feature “Tough Traveling” is the brainchild of Nathan ofReview Barn, who has come up with the excellent idea of making a new list each week based on the most common tropes in fantasy, as seen in The Tough Guide to Fantasyland by Diana Wynn Jones. Nathan has invited anyone who is interested to come play along, so be sure to check out the first link for more information.

This week’s tour topic is: Monsters

MONSTERS are likely to lie in waste areas, caves, and old ruined cities. You can usually detect their presence by smell.

Whoa hey now waitaminute! Monsters? That’s not what Nathan promised me!

de943-miserereI totally accepted this challenge and was all ready with La Dolorosa, from Miserere: An Autumn Tale. Imagine a beautiful yet deadly rose that feasts on blood and evil, and maybe our hapless protagonists too, if they aren’t careful! Okay maybe Teresa Frohock’s lethal flora isn’t exactly benevolent, so that works for this week’s Monsters theme, too. Now where do I pick up my prize?

Mogsy’s Picks:

Bravo Nathan for coming up with the perfect theme for Halloween! I’m excited this week to feature some excellent novels featuring monsters, from the terrifying to the quirky.

The TerrorThe Terror by Dan Simmons

I loved this book! And interestingly, it’s been getting some extra attention lately, with the discovery of one of the ships from the lost Franklin Expedition just recently in Arctic Canada. This book was inspired by the true events from that doomed expedition, a historical fiction with a horror bent. The premise involves the unfortunately crew of the Erebus and The Terror trapped in the ice, stalked by an unseen monster out in the frigid darkness.

Who Goes ThereWho Goes There? by John W. Campbell Jr.

One of my favorite horror movies has got to be John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982). This was the novella that formed the basis for it (as well as other adaptations, including The Thing from Another World in 1951). An antarctic research camp discovers the remains of an ancient alien frozen under the ice (cold and forbidding environments seem to make for the best horror settings) and the monster ends up reviving, being able to shapeshift and assume the forms of humans and animals alike, imitating them perfectly.

8cbee-themonstrumologistThe Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey

This is another favorite of mine. And don’t let the Young Adult tag fool you into letting your guard down! The Monstrumologist is one of the most sickeningly bloody and gory books I’ve ever read, and YA or not, I’d honestly hesitate to hand this one to just any teenager. As you can probably guess, a “monstrumologist” is one who studies monsters. This first book of the series features predators called the Anthropophagi, which means “people eaters”…enough said.

Club MonstrosityClub Monstrosity by Jesse Petersen

Now for something a little more lighthearted and fun. The basic premise behind this book is the question, What if all the monsters and paranormal creatures that have ever been featured in our favorite classic books and movies — Frankenstein’s monster, Dracula, etc. — are actually real and living in secret among us? Twice a week, they get together in their Monstofelldosis Anonymous support group in a church basement to talk about all the difficulties faced by your average everyday misunderstood monster, just trying to make it in the big city.

Kaiju RisingKaiju Rising: Age of Monsters edited by Tim Marquitz & Nick Sharps 

I’m cheating a bit here, as I haven’t read this anthology in its entirety, but I think we can all agree that it fits into the theme this week. Kaiju!!! In case it’s not immediately obvious, this book is a collection of short stories focused on or inspired by the theme of strange and humongous monsters in the same vein as movies like Pacific RimGodzilla, and Cloverfield, etc.

31 Comments on “Tough Traveling: Monsters”

  1. Hey, carnivorous plants may have to come back when we inevitably leave the Tough Guide behind so keep it in your pocket!

    What happened Mogsy, we are usually on the same page. I have not read a single one of those! Nice


    • The format of the novel is a bit strange, but it does pick up momentum. I remember a lot of it being the hardships and just the terribly and harrowing conditions the crew had to go through. I mean, the horror aspects are creepy enough, but all that just compounded it.


  2. The Terror!!! One of my very favorite Simmons novels, and I’ve read almost all of them. I’m so glad it’s getting some attention. I really do want to read The Monstrumologist, I had no idea it was so gory, though.


    • Whee, it’s always so awesome to talk to someone else who has experience the awesomeness of The Terror!!! It’s one of my favorites as well. Simmons writes great sci-fi but I also love his horror/historical fiction and other non-sci fi.


  3. Ooh, that Nathan, playing tricks on his Tough Traveling peeps. LOL Although admittedly, I know of way more monsters than carnivorous plants, so I can’t say that I’m too disappointed. Egads, The Thing—great pick!


  4. This is an awesome topic! I love your suggestions too! I’ve never heard of The Terror, but it looks amazing – added to my TBR list! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    In other news, I have a giveaway going on for a horror novel you might be interested in!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds


  5. I love The Thing. It has my favourite movie quote, and I did get WGT from the library but just never got round to reading it. Miserere is on my must read list, and this this Terror by Dan Simmons, I believe the universe is telling me to read this.


    • Love that movie. I’m amazed at the production values and effects, given it was made before I was even born, but the monster is scarier than a lot of what I see in horror movies today. What would the quote be, by the way? 🙂


  6. OMG – such a relief we didn’t end up with the plants!! I wouldn’t have any!
    And, I haven’t read any of your books at all this week – outstanding picks!
    Lynn 😀


  7. Yes, but monsters is more appropriate for Halloween than carnivorous plants. (and more do able.) Monstrumologist has been on my to read list for a year, I’m glad to hear it’s good. lol I love the idea of a monsters support group! Good choices!


  8. Pingback: Tough Traveling: Unique Flora | The BiblioSanctum

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