10 Authors That Deserve More Buzz

This list was originally inspired by the post I stumbled across by M.L. Brennan who in turn was inspired by a Top Ten Tuesday by Danielle over at Coffee and Characters. So, you know all those times you read an amazing, incredible book, but then when you rush out to hit up your bookish friends to find out what they think you discover that – SHOCKER! – hardly anyone has read it or even knows about it? You know what we mean! That idea evolved into this topic, in which Mogsy and Wendy list some authors plus the books they’ve written that we think should be getting waaaay more attention!

Wendy’s Picks:

BLAKE NORTHCOTT: I discovered Northcott’s first book, vs. Reality, via her Twitter feed, lured in by her sense of humour, obvious geek status and home girl pride. She writes novels about superheroes from a really unique angle. In fact, her first book was meant to be a comic, but when plans fell through, she converted it to a novel and has followed through with that concept for two more books in the series, plus an all new book, Arena Mode.

N.K. JEMISINThe Killing Moon currently appears on numerous awards lists. I’m sure it’s there with good reason, but I couldn’t appreciate the book enough after reading her Hundred Thousand Kingdoms first. I loved that book so much that I read it twice within two months. A unique and diverse world with beautiful characters that have had a huge emotional impact on me. I haven’t started the second book in her Inheritance trilogy because I’m not yet ready for the emotional trauma!

JASON M. HOUGH: If you’re looking for a good place to jump into sci fi, or if you’re already a sci fi fan, get started on Hough’s new Dire Earth Cycle series. I think of it as down-to-earth sci fi that has all the necessary elements of space, technology and aliens, combined with action, drama, suspense and mystery. I love the diversity and the unpredictability that keeps me turning the pages.

MARTHA WELLS: Wells has already made a name for herself, writing within various popular fandoms, including the upcoming Star Wars: Razor’s Edge. But she has a number of books of her own that I bought in one big rush after finishing The Cloud Roads. Her worldbuilding is amazing and I love the physical and cultural uniqueness of her characters.

KAREN LORD: I love the subtly of Lord’s work. Her forays into science fiction (The Best of All Possible Worlds) and fantasy (Redemption in Indigomight not seem to be science fiction and fantasy enough for some, but I really enjoyed her writing. Reading about her worlds and the characters within them made me feel like I was joining a bunch of friends on a comfy couch as they told me their tale.

Mogsy’s Picks:

WILL McINTOSH: I recently finished a book that arguably was what motivated me to start up this post in the first place, Love Minus Eighty. If you’re looking to read a sci-fi novel guaranteed to give you a strong emotional reaction, then this one is it. It’s a very human story despite the futuristic high-tech setting, and it made me want to check out more of Will McIntosh’s work. My mind is still blown.

M.L. BRENNAN: And speaking of motivation to write this post, my discovery of M.L. Brennan’s own list was what clued me in on this topic in the first place. I thought, “How apropos!” because I knew if I had to make my own list of “Authors that deserve more recognition”, M.L. Brennan would definitely be on it. I read Generation V this summer and it’s already rocketed itself up my list of essential Urban Fantasy. She’s so funny and creative, and it comes out in her writing and characters. I just cannot stop raving about this book to everyone I know who loves UF!

BEN H. WINTERS: Being the author of the New York Times bestseller Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Ben H. Winters has already made quite a name for himself, but I still couldn’t help but notice that while a lot of my friends have his books on their to-read lists, only a few have actually taken the plunge! Though his “humor” books are probably still more well known, I personally adore his Last Policeman series which I’m glad to see is gradually gaining more attention.

TERESA FROHOCK: Seriously, whenever the topic of Miserere comes up, I find it really difficult to shut up about how amazingly good this book is. So, before I forget myself and write a whole essay about how much I love Teresa and her book, let’s just say that she single-handedly reaffirmed my decision to always finish every novel I start. Miserere takes its time to build up, but then rewards you in spades! The story is just so, so beautiful. And freakin’ look at that gorgeous cover! Read this, you must!

DJANGO WEXLER: You know how there’s epic fantasy, and then there’s EPIC fantasy? The latter goes beyond just transporting you to a different world and time, it also sweeps you up into an experience that’s truly grand, immense and awe-inspiring. Django Wexler’s The Thousand Names that I read earlier this year was one of those books for me. Keep an eye on this author and his series, because I have a feeling he’s gonna go places!

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