
Friday Face-Off: Amulet

Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme created by Books by Proxy! Each Friday, we will pit cover against cover while also taking the opportunity to showcase gorgeous artwork and feature some of our favorite book covers. If you want to join the fun, simply choose a book each Friday that fits that week’s predetermined […]

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YA Weekend: Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy Series: Book 3 of The Grisha Publisher: Henry Holt & Co. (June 17, 2014) Author Information: Website | Twitter Mogsy’s Rating: 3 of 5 stars Ruin and Rising was good, but perhaps it was just good…enough? I sat on this review for several weeks trying to gather my thoughts about this book […]

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