Week 3: The Lies of Locke Lamora Read-Along

The Lies of Locke Lamora Read-Along http://onemore.org/2016/03/24/come-to-camorr/

“Come along on an epic adventure! Flights (of fancy), accommodation (ethical) and food (for the imagination) included. Poison not guaranteed. All travel is at your own risk. Late nights, sore eyes, and an overwhelming desire to spend hours in the kitchen creating something wonderful may ensue. All belongings are the responsibility of the traveller; travel will not be reimbursed if limbs are lost to sharks, or hearts to thieves.”

You are cordially invited to join The Lies of Locke Lamora read-along. Our itinerary is as follows:

1. Camorr is clearly a man’s world. One of the three female characters who could hold any sway was cruelly fridged, while another remains notably absent. Will Sabetha swing in to save or seize the day? What are your thoughts on Donã Vorchenza’s role?

Wendy: I’d like to think Sabetha will show up, but that seems too obvious. I’m not at all happy with how Nazca was used and abused, but I am a bit happier with the introduction of the Spider and hope that she will play a powerful foil to either Locke or the Grey King. Or perhaps end up on Locke’s side, though potentially without her realizing it. Based on how things ended up after the Grey King revealed his hand, I feel like the Spider is playing the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi now. #OnlyHope

Tiara: Well, I was hoping to see the one female bastard, but I doubt it at this point unless she appears at the end. As for Nazca, if the goal is to wipe out his line, which started with his wife, it’s unfortunate, but it makes sense. I felt some kind of way about the whole horse piss thing. I mean, you killed her. You were going to get the proper response no matter what. But her death seems to be symbolic of a bigger rage in Raza, since he started this ruse years ago, that won’t be satisfied with simple deaths. Do I wish she could’ve been saved? Yeah, but he would’ve had to go a different direction with some of his plot points for that to happen because keeping her alive wouldn’t have made sense in the context of what we’re given with the exception of possibly making her turn on her father, which would’ve been yet another way she would’ve been considered fridged. I think it’s really cool that the Spider has turned out to be the exact last person you’d expect it to be. I feel like that whole scene with her should’ve had the soundtrack to The Godfather playing in the background. I do feel she’s going to be beneficial to Locke in some way, but in the end, she’ll probably be left shaking her fist and yelling, “If it wasn’t for those meddling kids!”

2. Apprenticeships, fighting, farming–the Gentlemen Bastards have undergone some significant training (save for physiking!) and testing. What do you think of Chains’ teaching methods. Do you think he adequately prepared them for their future in Camorr?

Wendy: I think Chains did an amazing job of setting them up to succeed, not only by letting them learn all of these things, but by encourage a bond between them with the understanding that we all have weaknesses that can be countered by others if we work together. It’s Wonder Pets at their finest! I wish I could send my kids to Chains for some useful education.

Tiara: A good game is one where you can take various roles and not be caught out there without a backup plan. He made sure they had the skills that they needed to to make the game their own. Knowledge really is power and you never know what knowledge and skills might come in handy, especially when you’re a thieves and have to think on the drop of a dime.

3. Pour out a forty for those lost. Share your thoughts on the passing of the Bastards and Barsavis.

Wendy: I’m not upset to see the Barsavis gone, save for Nazca, who turned out to be far more reasonable, rational, and capable than her introduction implied. There was so much potential for a great character there, and I loved the peek at the friendship between Nazca and Locke. I wanted to get to know her better and see that she was truly a threat that the Grey King had to remove for his success, rather than just an object in his way–but alas, this is not her story. As for the twins and Bug. Well:


Tiara: I can’t ever have nice things, especially when it comes to twins. This is like the third book this year where I’ve become attached to twins for things to go so horribly wrong for them. *cries for all her twins* And my heart, Bug… As for the Barsavis, this end seemed inevitable. Power is always usurped usually by force and violence. As it was pointed out, Capa Barsavi’s own reign was filled with misdirection and misdeeds until he got what he wanted. I feel terrible for them, especially his wife and daughter. I’m going to insert another Macbeth quote here because it’s fitting: “Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on th’ other.” It’s a circle, and it goes around and around.

4. Everything in this book has been a series of long cons. Do you think taking the Capa’s throne is the end game for the Grey King? Or is there still more in store?

Wendy: I want to say yes, but then I feel like that’s a trap. I’m not sure if Capa Barsavi was the end game for the Grey King, or maybe someone is actually pulling the Grey King’s strings, or… in other words, Lynch has done a good job with the twists and turns to make me doubt every speculation and conclusion I come to.

Tiara: Doubtful. I think this is about revenge plain and simple, and I think he plans to bring the city to its knees for whatever misdeed it’s committed against him. This is his own intricate game. We see a whole interlude about it and how people who hold on to their hate explode in the most violent of ways. The could be an alluding to Locke’s own angry turn, but I have a feeling this is about both of them. It kind of reminds me of one of my favorite games. The plot of it is about a boy who’s father is killed, and he goes to avenge his father’s death only to learn that his path is following the murderer’s own path of revenge because the boy’s father wronged him. Revenge is another thing that cyclic and never-ending.

15 Comments on “Week 3: The Lies of Locke Lamora Read-Along”

  1. Pingback: Come to Camorr: week 3 – x+1

  2. This week broke my heart, even knowing what was coming. The Spider is my shining beacon of cackling glee, because she’s fabulous and seems like such a good antagonist for the Thorn – not that Locke and Jean are in any state to take her on right now, which could make for far more interesting relationships…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ugh, this was the worst. Everything I loved died. I wasn’t ready for this at all. I just want to rewind back to the point where everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.


    • I have no idea where things will go what with them being so broken up and bent on vengeance and the Spider being a bit behind the times now with the events that occurred. I’m really excited to see how this pans out, even though this whole section really got me down because of the deaths.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, this week you guys got to *that* part. Hate to say it, but be prepared for more heartbreak in this series and I confess the grief I felt over the deaths still stayed with me even into the second and third books. The “split time line” format will continue, so the “Little Bastards” sections always were pretty bittersweet for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, I can see those sections being harder to read now that there is only two of them left. I loved their friendship. I wanted them all to move on to the next caper together. *cries*


  4. I’m thinking of the Spider as a land mine that Locke may unknowingly step on. Or will he be more cautious after the events with the Grey King? I also wonder how long the Spider’s been hunting for him. I get the feeling that she considers him the elusive criminal who’s she’s personally invested in capturing.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Heya ladies!

    To Wendy: Yeah. During my first read along of this book some years ago, folks were not happy with Nazca brutal exit either. I hope there will someday be side stories about her antics prior to her death.

    Yes – Chains is excellent in educating the bunch and playing to the strengths while acknowledging their weaknesses. I like that he doesn’t hold one set of skills as more worthy than another.

    To Tiara: Excellent points about Raza’s rage and the point of Nazca’s death.

    Good point about Barsavi and how his fate in general was to be expected. It’s a world of thieves and thieves not only steal money and objects, they steal power as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I remember being shocked by the dark turn taken by the story at this point: on hindsight, I guess the author kept things on a happy-go-lucky tone (well, more or less…) to lull his audience into a false sense of security, so that the blow would be felt more deeply. It’s been a few years, but I still mourn for the twins when I think about them…. (((sniffle)))


    • That’s what I was thinking, too. We got this fun, happy story. Everything was going right for them, even when it was going wrong. I know I shouldn’t have expected nothing terrible to happen. I mean, I did expect bad things to happen, but I didn’t want that!


  7. I hate it when characters die. But I understand there is always a purpose for it. And it sounds like this is the kind of story where it’s impossible that all characters come out of it alive.
    Do I still want to read it? There seem to be quite a bit of sorrow around.


  8. Pingback: Tiara’s 2nd Quarter Update | The BiblioSanctum

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