Book Review: Dark Ascension by M.L. Brennan

A review copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Dark AscensionDark Ascension by M.L. Brennan

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Series: Book 4 of Generation V

Publisher: Roc (8/4/15)

Author Information: Website | Twitter

Mogsy’s Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

I make it no secret that Generation V is one of my favorite urban fantasy series right now. I just love these books so much! Even if this latest installment did make me bawl my eyes out.

Normally, I’d be pretty resentful if anyone made me cry, but it’s entirely different when it comes to a book. In that case, it’s liable to earn itself at least an extra half star and a gushy review. What can I say, I just love it when my reading material appeals to my emotions. It’s a sign of good storytelling and character development, and I’m always excited to see what author M.L. Brennan will bring next for our underdog vampire protagonist Fortitude Scott and his partner Suzume Hollis the spunky kitsune.

Every Generation V book is a new surprise, and Dark Ascension might be the biggest and most important one yet. The winds of change are sweeping through Madeline Scott’s territory, and all the supernatural denizens within are bracing themselves for the inevitable outcome of the vampire matriarch’s failing health. Everyone is worried (and rightfully so) what would happen when her daughter, the psychotic and murderous Prudence takes over, but Fort is not about to let his Machiavellian older sister seize all that power without a fight. In the end though, the aging but still terrifyingly shrewd Madeline may be the one to surprise them all.

Dark Ascension follows a path that is very dissimilar to what we saw in the first three installments, and to be honest, to most urban fantasy arcs in general. It’s a very bold move by the author, but for what she’s attempting to do here, it works rather well. Instead of presenting us with a main problem that unifies the entire plot – like a paranormal crime to be solved by the characters over the course of the book, for example – the story is actually made of many different and smaller conflicts. And subsequently, all these conflicts come to together to form the big question: What will be become of Madeline Scott’s territory once she’s gone? The answers will have repercussions for the entire supernatural community, not to mention Madeline’s own children.

Once again, the Scott family dynamics are at the forefront, an element I find fascinating and that I look forward to seeing developed each time a new book comes out. I’m not sure what it says about me that I simply adore the fearsome and bloodthirsty Prudence, but it’s always nice to see her get a bigger role (though not as much as I thought she would). Needless to say, Fort’s more liberal way of thinking combined with his kind heart makes him the antithesis of his cruel, hard-edged sister. But that doesn’t mean they don’t love each other; it’s merely a love that few can understand. To paraphrase Fort, it’s not that Prudence is incapable of showing affection, just that she’s at her most terrifying when she actually tries. Between them in birth order and in ideology is also of course their brother Chivalry, whose moderate stance only leads to more gridlock whenever the siblings try to work together as a team. If anything though, I think this book only raised my regard for Chivalry, who of the three of them seems to be the most invested in honoring their mother’s wishes. I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for the good son.

So where does this leave Fort? Well, on the one hand, I’m really impressed at the amount of growth he’s shown throughout the series, but in some ways he hasn’t changed at all. Despite being on his way to become a full-fledged vampire, Fort still underestimates his own value and puts himself in situations where people take advantage of his kindness. He’s also struggling with a serious case of denial when it comes to what he is, but probably not for much longer. Dark Ascension is a turning point where all sorts of changes are happening, and most of them are in our protagonist. Despite the relative lack of action and intrigue in this novel compared to the previous ones, here is where I saw Fort face his most difficult challenges yet.

Furthermore, there’s just so much delicious foreshadowing. Fort makes some great strides in Dark Ascension, and yet there’s still a piece of me bracing for the other shoe to drop. We’ve been told that he is “different” from his siblings, but what that truly means remains to be seen, and I’m very curious to find out what greater purpose Madeline had in mind for her youngest son when she decided to alter his upbringing. Fort has also spent most of his life trying to avoid the family business, but now it’s given him a new purpose. To what cost, though? Keeping in mind Suze’s analogy of the Peep in a microwave, will Fort’s good intentions end up biting him in the ass? Chivalry’s warning at the end is especially ominous. Fort’s heart may be in the right place, but he’s still going against the grand plan and breaking many promises by acting on his own. Isn’t this how corruption begins? By going against Madeline’s wishes, who’s actually bringing the greatest threat to her vision for the future?

I’m practically bursting with questions and anticipation for the next book. I know I’ve said it before but I’ll happily say it again and again: M.L. Brennan’s Generation V series is simply wonderful, featuring a unique world filled the most incredible and unique paranormal beings you’ll ever meet. Without a doubt, this is one of the most fun, refreshing and addictive urban fantasy series you can find on the shelves right now, with each book bringing a new adventure and plenty of surprises. If you haven’t started yet, run—don’t walk—to your nearest bookstore and pick up the first book. I really can’t wait to see what Fort and Suze will be up to next.


More on The BiblioSanctum:
Mogsy’s Review of Generation V (Book 1) Wendy’s Review of Generation V (Book 1) | Review of Iron Night (Book 2) Review of Tainted Blood (Book 3) Interview with M.L. Brennan Guest Post: Designing a Kitsune by M.L. Brennan

16 Comments on “Book Review: Dark Ascension by M.L. Brennan”

  1. I’ve just read the first book, but it’s definitely got me excited about reading the rest of the series. Hopefully I can slowly catch up, and maybe for the next book, I’ll actually be able to request a review copy:-)


  2. Pingback: One Week Left | M. L. Brennan

  3. I’m really glad to hear that I’m not the only one who shed tears over certain scenes in this book. Holy crap, did they ever tug at my heartstrings!


    • Yeah I was in public while reading this so I was trying REALLLLY hard to hold those tears in – but I failed. Just couldn’t help it!


  4. Alright alright, I’ve one-clicked the first book. I hope you’re happy!! If there’s one thing that will suck me in every time, it’s an atypical UF series. The fact that this one is going strong even four books in also helps. 🙂


    • I am happy! And I’m sure you will be happy too! 😀

      If you liked Nice Dragons Finish Last you should like this one too, they are both excellent underdog stories 🙂


  5. Why – why are there tears. I can’t stand it! *head desk*
    I was trying to not read your review but then I was also reading it at the same time – doh!
    I have this preordered so due any day.
    Just tell me now – are these good tears, or bad tears?????
    The suspension is killing me.
    Lynn 😀


    • Oh my goodness, I couldn’t possibly ruin it for you, you’d have to experience everything first hand for yourself. And I’m curious to see if I’m just overly emotional, maybe others will read it and go, WTF, why would Steff cry over this? 😛


  6. Pingback: Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: New Books & What I’ve Been Reading… | The BiblioSanctum

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